4. What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?
Answer: spread the gospel.
Unless I’ve had false teachings about God in all the years attending to church and this school, which I strongly doubt, I’m very sure that God expects us to notify the ones who don’t know God about God.
I have invited many people to come to church and worship God. Some did. Some didn’t. Most of the invitations I offered occurred during the period of time which I call it the-time-when-I-really-didn’t-believe-in-God-but-I-did. I wasn’t so sure about my faith so I was standing on the border of believing God and not believing God.
As a child, I would work hard to bring friends to church so I get presents from my Sunday school teacher. The presents weren’t cool (pencils, erasers, pens, etc.) but as a kid I had this false hope of the better presents the next time I bring a friend (or two friends if you are skilled), triggered by the sweet talks of my Sunday school teacher. Growing up, I found out that people don’t automatically transform into Christians on the first step in the church building. Thusly, I didn’t and don’t want to force my friends or people that I know to come to church.
I usually ask people one question, only one time. Do you want to go to church with me? If they say yes, I’m very excited for them to finally meet God. If not, oh well. Maybe I’ll later ask them again (I really don’t, however) or they’ll get other chances to experience God some day. But what if God only gave one chance for them to meet God and that was my question? I’ll ask Him when I see Him.
It was good that you related the questiong with your own childhood experiences. However, it would have been better if you talked about how the Sawi could be told about Jesus in more detail, seeing that the question is based on these people. Good Job.
o-some blog. I guess you really have to be skilled to bring 2 friends to church. I guess there is a difference in philosophy between you and the dorm program at TCIS which makes you go to church on Sundays. I think God is always wanting to draw his own creations closer to him every second of one's life; people either ignore it or put their whole heart towards it. A little more connection with the Peace Child book would have made this post more relevant. Great post though. You have a particular style of writing that is different from others and it makes you stand out. Nice!
Hey.. Nice post. It was interesting reading your blog and your connections with this question. I had a similar experience as you.. well kinda..
When I was young all I knew was God. My parents took me to church every Sunday, I prayed before every meal, and always read my Bible with all the cute little pictures in it. I often asked my friends to church and since, at that time I was in a Christian environment, almost all of my friends already went to church. When me and my family transferred to a public school I was shocked that none of my classmates were Christians.. I was the only one. This was the first time that anything like this had ever happened to me and I was so shocked. Also, when I asked a couple of my closer friends to come to church they gave me weird looks and were no longer my friends.. haha.. thats when I started hanging out with the guys in my grade... they were much more accepting then the girls~
anyways.. I don't even really know why I'm talking about this...
XD good post.. =)
Excellent post.
I agree with you on your thought that people dont suddenly become christians, but rather a through gradual process... However, i believe that we, as christians, should not give up on one person so easily. I believe that we have to be like leeches and keep asking the person to come to church because in the end, that person will be irked to come to church and when they come, our job has been done, and I belive that God will take it from there...
Excellent voice! I love the way you get people to comment so sincerely. Mrs.Mc.
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