Friday, December 19, 2008


How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?



   says faith is belief that is not based on proof. I agree with because a lot of my teachers said is a reliable for looking up definitions.


If a person doesn’t have faith in anything at all, then the person is not a human because no one can be totally objective. But, people tend not to believe in things that are not based on proof. If something is not proven to be right, or correct, why should one believe the something?


Thank God, He gave us the ability to think and not become a bunch of idiots staring at the sky. So, after a long trail of thoughts, our ancestors were bored, wanted to know the truth, wanted to become smart, and thusly started what is known as science. says science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.


Therefore, through science we were able to identify, describe, and name whatever we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. The things we couldn’t see, hear, smell, taste, or touch were labeled as unidentified things, irrelevant, or non-existent.


My point is that we have become big cowards only assured when the actual proofs are presented. We are so caught up in the scientific methods and the habits of ruling out things that are not proven that we started to become paranoids. Instead of becoming more objective, we became diehard believers of science.


For example, when Korean researcher Hwang, Woo Suk lied to the entire world about the potentials of stem cells with his mastery of tweaking data, the entire world was praising jubilantly Hwang for his wonderful work until some people started to question Hwang and proved his work false. It would’ve been very interesting to see the world if Hwang’s treachery was kept unknown.


Every human being has faith. If not, then you are in a coma or your brain is dead. Those who are religious have faith in whatever they believe in. Those who aren’t religious have faith in science. Those who are neither the cases mentioned previously are in denial of the obvious.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes! You have presented a solid case for faith. Good job.