Q: What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view? Explain the impact of these factors.
I am a Christian. Yes, I'm a believer of Jesus Christ's teachings. And, my native culture didn't affect my religious belief much at all. In the past, I thought was a Christian because I was born in a Christian family. I've also seen thousands of people who claimed be Christians but they were merely hypocrites who did not know anything about Chrisitianity. Thusly, I didn't call myself as a Christian because I didn't know a lot about it and if I claimed to be a Christian without any understanding, I would also be a hypocrite. However, I didn’t care much about how other people behaved and the external influences regarding the questions of faith. And I still don't care much about other's faith.
I started my musical education back when I was 5 years old. My first piano teacher quit because I never practiced. But my mother kept on getting new teachers to continue my music lessons. As years passed, I eventually quit piano and joined the elementary school band as a clarinetist and an oboist. During the time in middle school band I learned to play the flute, the trombone, the saxophone, and the bassoon. By the time I was an eighth grader I was able to listen to a song to identify almost everything about it such as: the tempo, the key signature, the chord progression, and number of instruments used. I also had the ability to notate a score by listening. But, about a year ago, I started to have blackouts when playing the oboe, my primary instrument. My doctor said I had to stop playing the instrument because it had bad affects on my heart and my lungs. From that day, I had to quit playing the instrument that I’ve played for 5 years.
Quitting the oboe had a great impact on my life. I lost 5 years of my life when the doctor said: stop playing the oboe. At the time, I didn’t call myself as a Christian but I believed that Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But I started to have doubts about Him. I cursed Him for taking away the result of 11 years of all my efforts on music. But then my mom pulled a 20 year old, dusty acoustic guitar from the garage. I started to play the guitar as if I was possessed by something, and I now can proudly say that in less than a year, I have reached a higher understanding about music with the guitar compared to the 11 years I’ve spent playing a variety of instruments. I started to understand what soul power was and other music stuff too. But, most importantly, I learned that if ‘sound’ is God’s breath, music is His language.
I’m quite passionate about music. I firmly believe God didn’t give me the ability to quickly pick up various instruments for no reason. I don’t believe that He accidentally gave me the ears which Mr. Cho, who has perfect pitch, would like to steal and replace his if he had the chance to do so. I don’t believe that God randomly gave me the ability to make a tune instantaneously. I know that He has certain purpose with my abilities and I will use it to glorify Him.
I’m a Christian.
Oh, just in case if you are wondering why I don't care about other's beliefs is because it's really hard to deal with the problems in my life and my faith and I don't wish to run into issues concerning other's beliefs when my faith isn't that stable.
Brian, Interesting post. I'll have to hear you play guitar sometime. I can play instruments, but I don't have any creative ability on them. I have to have the music in front of me and be playing note for note. That truly is a gift, and I hope you'll continue to develop it.
What I liked about your post is that I could really hear your "voice." I would encourage you to really try and dig deeply into the questions we are asking throughout this unit. I know it can be difficult to look at someone else's viewpoint and ask difficult questions. It's definitely easier to let others just live their lives and we just live ours, but I think that as Christians we have an obligation to reach out to others, and although we may not agree with their viewpoints, we need to show them what Christ means in our lives. If he truly is the "way, truth, and the life" then we will live our lives accordingly.
Look forward to your next post.
Brian, what an incredible read! But, most importantly, I learned that if ‘sound’ is God’s breath, music is His language. I loved this quote....
So as I was saying... your post was interesting. You are amazing to learn an instrument in such a short time and you are an inspiration to others. You are so right about using your talent to glorify God. "Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy."
Psalm 99:4-6
I am delighted at your wisdom - you've got so much figured out! It is all about worshipping God. Mrs.Mc.
That's an awesome post...
The way you connected to your faith with music was very personal
Good job with your post!~
Hey Brian ...
Reading your post was very interesting. It gave me a different perspective on what you think and I can't totally relate with some of the things that you mentioned in this post.
For some years I had this inner battle with myself over telling people that I was a Christian when in actuality I was quite the opposite. I hated it because I didn't not want to call myself a Christian because then people would start asking questions and cause drama. But, on the other hand, I didn't want to call myself a Christian because I wasn't reading the Bible or praying. I had this horrible feeling inside of me that I couldn't get over for a long time. It felt awful trying to be someone that I wasn't because I had this "label". After a period of time things changed. I changed. I feel more satisfied calling myself a Christian even though I am still for from perfect.
ps. I like connecting the music aspect with your religion/culture. : ) music is amazing because you can fully express yourself without saying anything~
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